Federal Programs
What is Title I?
Title I is a federally funded program that was enacted into law in 1965. It is currently part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) that was reauthorized December 2015. Title I provides extra academic support in the area of reading for all students, particularly the needs of low achieving children and those at risk of not meeting the State academic achievement standards.
Both Heyburn and UpRiver Schools operate Title I school wide programs. School wide programs incorporated reform strategies into their over-all instructional program for the purpose of meeting the needs of all the students in the school. This model supports low achieving and at risk students, as well as providing advance academic achievement to students who are beyond proficient. The school wide Title I programs at Heyburn and UpRiver enable all students to receive daily reading support (in addition to core reading instruction) through strategic switch reading groups that support academic need and are based on test data. Student progress is monitored and re-evaluated on a regular basis. Any student at any time can receive intervention/enrichment that he or she needs. All students and all teachers in the building are considered Title I.
To qualify for Title I services, a building must have at least 40% of their student enrollment receiving free or reduced lunch. Title I is presently providing student support services at Heyburn Elementary and UpRiver School.
The St. Maries School District receives an annual Title I funding allocation based on current census and free and reduced lunch count data. The majority of these federal funds are used for Title I staff salaries. Any remaining funds are used for instructional supplies and professional development training.
The ultimate goal of Title I is to provide students with the basic skills they need to meet state academic standards and experience success in the classroom.